Gen 4:13-17
Why Do Honest Brethren Differ?
I. A member of the church has asked a question and requested that I Answer tonight
A. I always appreciate your questions – they show that you care
B. I always try to give God’s answer, but I am not perfect – study also for yourself
II. How Can Honest Brethren Differ So Much On Biblical Questions?
I. Examples are numerous
A. Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
B. Gift of the Holy Spirit
C. Bodily Resurrection
II. Such Differences do not necessarily imply break in fellowship
A. “Biblical Questions” can include matters of opinion
1. When ye come together – Where?
2. The first day of the week – What Hour?
B. “Differences” might result from relative study practices
1. One may be yet a novice – at least in studying this particular question
2. One may not know how to study – or may not consistently apply the rules
C. “Biblical Questions” can include subjects that are not clearly explained by God
1. “Where is Heaven” – “Where did Cain get his wife?”
2. What was Jesus’ physical description?
3. How large was the church in Jerusalem before the persecution?
III. But the question suggests that faithful, well-intentioned brethren disagree on matters that seem to be clear and complete, and are fundamental to faith & salvation
A. Examples
1. Instrumental music
2. Attendance in all assemblies of the church
3. Whether the Bible is the final authority in modern religious questions
B. How can we differ on such points?
1. One might be “Honest” and not be “Faithful” – many sectarians are
a. “What makes a perfectly healthy person suddenly drop dead? Answer: They don’t. There’s always a health defect, however undetectable.”
b. It is possible that some do not actually put Jesus FIRST – Mt 6:33
2. One may be not honest, but have personal motives – Ac 15:5 w/ Gal 2:4
3. BUT “Honest” and “Faithful” is still imperfect
a. One or both may have overlooked a fact that would change his idea
b. One or both may simply not have studied long enough
c. Anyone can mis-read a word or sentence
(1) An educated man argued that “Febuary” was the correct spelling
(2) Many have been fooled by the sign: “Paris in the the spring”
IV. So, how do we deal with the differences?
A. “In matters of faith unity, in matters of option liberty, in all things charity.”
B. Ephesians 4:1-3
C. Gal 6:1-2
D. Rom 14:1-4 & 21-23 & 17
I. THIS IS MY HONEST ANSWER – To the best of my knowledge, it’s God’s answer
II. BUT EVERY PERSON MUST STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God – II Tim 2:15
A. Every one of us shall give account of himself to God – Rom 14:12
B. You can’t get into heaven on my study
1. Are you giving an honest effort to serve God to the best of your ability?
2. Visualize yourself standing before God and HE is asking the questions...
a. Did you believe that Jesus is the Christ?
b. Did you repent from your sin?
c. Did you confess your faith in Jesus?
d. Were you baptized into Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin?
e. Did you walk in the light all the days of your life?