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Index of "Short Commentaries by Al"

In 2002 I began a series of short (1/4 to 1/3 page) bulletin articles to explain, or to draw timely lessons from, scripture, a single verse or sentence at a time. When appearing in the church bulletin these were always headed, "A Short Commentary from Al." In 2013 I began to publish similar articles on Facebook without a title. For the first 11 years there was no single theme to these short commentaries and they didn't appear in every weekly edition of the bulletin. With the beginning of Confirming the Churches as a full-time mission these short commentaries have been mostly on the theme of restoring to the church the respect for scripture, full-time faith, and zeal for evangelism as described in the first generation of the church. This collection currently has no verse or topical index, but all commentaries are presented in biblical order. Click below on the book which contains the verse(s) of your interest, then scroll down through that book to see if there is a commentary on the verse. Or, just enjoy reading through the short commentaries at your leisure - and may God richly bless you in your study and application of His eternal word.

Genesis Job Nahum Philippians
Exodus Psalms Habakkuk Colossians
Leviticus Proverbs Zephaniah I Thessalonians
Numbers Ecclesiastes Haggai II Thesslonians
Song of Solomon Zechariah I Timothy
Joshua Isaiah Malachi II Timothy
Judges Jeremiah Matthew Titus
Ruth Lamentations Mark Philemon
I Samuel Ezekiel Luke Hebrews
II Samuel Daniel John James
I Kings Hosea Acts I Peter
II Kings Joel Romans II Peter
I Chronicles Amos I Corinthians I John
II Chronicles Obadiah II Corinthians II John
Ezra Jonah Galatians III John
Nehemiah Micah Ephesians Jude
Esther Revelation
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